Thursday, December 13, 2007

Keeping Your Dog Safe During the Holidays

Christmas, New Year's, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and all the celebrations the holidays entail pose safety problems for dogs. Aside from the overexcitement and confusion caused by too many guests, there are purely physical problems.

  • First, the food. A dog can over indulge in holiday foods causing gastrointestinal upset or possibly even toxicities - such as chocolate or grape/raison toxicity.
  • Second, consider your holiday tree. Trees can be knocked over. Needles can be swallowed. Bulbs and ornaments can be broken and subsequently ingested or stepped on. Electrical cords can be chewed. It is ideal to keep your pet away from the tree. A baby gate may be an effective way to separate your dog from the tree. Allow supervised visitations only until you are comfortable with your dog’s behavior around the tree.
  • Third, consider your holiday decorations. Tinsel is dangerous - especially to cats however it can also be dangerous to dogs. If a pet swallows it, it can block intestines, causing decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, listlessness and weight loss. Treatment may involve surgery. Use unbreakable bulbs. You may want to keep the lower branches that are within reach of your dog bare. Avoid edible and fragile ornaments. Avoid wire ornament hooks that can easily snag an ear or a tail, or, if swallowed, can lodge in the throat or intestines. Instead, fashion loops of yarn, ribbons or thin twine.Next, the gifts. Dogs can chew on or swallow small parts; plastic items can be easily broken and swallowed, too. Gift-wrappings can be dangerous to a pet's health: String and ribbon can cause obstruction of the small bowel if swallowed.
  • Lastly, take special care with candles, fireplaces, space heaters, wood-burning stoves and fireplaces can cause burns if animals get too close. Candles are a great attraction for pets, but don't leave them alone in a room with a menorah or candelabra blazing-the swish of a tail can be disastrous.

-- Dr. Jon, Pet Place

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